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老站网 教育导航 中国高等教育学会


  • 网址:www.hie.edu.cn
  • 分类:教育
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  • 时间:2019-12-22 20:12:56
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  • 中国高等教育学会简介

  中国高等教育学会成立于1983年5月30日,是由高等学校、社会团体和教育工作者,以及支持高等教育事业发展的事业单位、行业企业和个人自愿组成的全国性、学术性、非营利性社会组织。学会现任会长(第七届)为教育部原党组副书记、副部长杜玉波。第一届、第二届会长为教育部原部长蒋南翔,第三届会长为国家教委原党组书记、副主任何东昌,第四届、第五届会长为教育部原副部长周远清,第六届会长为中国农业大学原党委书记瞿振元。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  学会是我国高等教育领域规模最大、成立时间最长、影响力最广的学术性全国社团组织。目前,学会有分支机构66个、单位会员450个,分支机构还有大量会员,形成了联系全国高等学校,覆盖众多学科和管理领域的组织平台。学会按照《章程》开展各项工作,主要业务为理论研究、学术交流、专业培训、展览展示、国际合作、咨询服务、书刊编辑和行业监测等。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

学会发展战略构想KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  办会宗旨:学术立会、服务兴会、规范办会、创新强会。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  发展理念:提升政治站位、把握办会方向;找准职责定位、把握服务面向;推动工作进位、把握工作导向。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  核心任务:服务高等教育改革发展,服务政府部门宏观决策,服务高等学校办学实践,服务高等教育理论探索。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  业务布局:始终坚持政治引领;大力加强智库建设;着力办好两会一刊;规范建设分支机构;承接政府职能转移;拓展深化合作交流。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  工作思路:建智库、强服务;创品牌、提质量;立规矩、严管理;谋合作、扩影响。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  研究原则:运用新思维,抓准真问题;探索新模式,做好真研究;开拓新境界,推动真创新;作出新贡献,确保真管用。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  基本经验:政治上坚持高站位;思路上坚持大格局;事业上坚持谋长远;工作上坚持善作为;作风上坚持严要求。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  建设目标:建设具有中国特色、国际影响的高等教育现代学术社团。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

高等教育新型智库KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  学会围绕中心、服务大局,坚持问题导向、聚焦研究重点,建设高等教育新型智库。集中全国优势力量,开展重大攻关课题研究,努力推出高质量研究成果,为政府宏观决策、高等学校办学治校、高等教育改革发展和国际交流合作建言献策,成为高等教育领域的重要研究基地。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

高等教育国际论坛年会KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  为扩大教育开放,服务国家“一带一路”倡议,加强同世界一流大学开展高水平交流合作,学会每年举办“高等教育国际论坛年会”。进入21世纪以来,已成功举办19届,吸引来自美国、德国、英国、法国、芬兰、俄罗斯、日本、越南、巴基斯坦、泰国、哈萨克斯坦、格鲁吉亚等国家和OECD等国际组织的专家学者,围绕我国高等教育和世界各国共同关注的高等教育重大话题开展深入研讨,已成为高等教育研究领域的国际性学术峰会和品牌活动。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

中国高等教育博览会KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  为促进“政产学研用”深度融合,推动高校教育教学改革,展示高等教育领域先进科研设备,助力高等教育内涵式发展,自1992年以来,学会与时俱进举办各类“展示会”“博览会”,尤其是2018年秋季“中国高等教育博览会”,吸引来自1120多所高校和1000多家企业的25000多名师生、专业人士参展参会,打造亚洲领先的高品质、综合性、专业化重要平台。“中国高等教育博览会”已成为展示我国高等教育发展成就的重要窗口,成为政府、高校、企业协同创新、共谋发展的重要桥梁,成为推进高等教育现代化的国家名片。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

中国高教研究KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  学会会刊《中国高教研究》是宣传贯彻党和国家的教育方针,研究推进中国特色、世界水平的现代高等教育,引领高等教育理论与实践创新的思想库,交流宣传高等教育学术研究成果的主要阵地。《中国高教研究》入选中文社会科学引文索引收录来源期刊、“中国人文社会科学期刊AMI综合评价”A刊核心期刊、中文核心期刊要目总览、中国期刊方阵双效期刊等,被学术界公认为最具权威性的高等教育学术期刊之一,在国内期刊评价系统排名中长期名列前茅。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

中国高等教育培训中心KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  中国高等教育培训中心以“聚焦高校立德树人、提升高等教育质量、服务高等教育改革创新”为使命,整合国内外优质教育资源,面向全国教育系统管理干部、骨干教师,开展教育理论、教育政策、教学方法、专业技能等高质量、高水平、高层次教育培训。联合国内一流大学,努力把培训中心打造成为服务我国高等教育改革发展大局的支撑点,成为高校办学治校、人才培养经验共享的重要平台,成为学会主动服务教育系统师资和干部队伍建设的重镇。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

国际交流与合作KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  学会新一届理事会高度重视国际学术交流与合作。近年来学会以“服务‘一带一路’倡议”“建设‘中巴经济走廊大学联盟交流机制’”、举办“亚洲教育论坛”、派出高水平学术交流出访团组等为载体,深化人文交流、拓展合作领域、推进学术成果共享,已与美国、英国、加拿大、巴基斯坦、哈萨克斯坦等十余个国家的学术组织建立起稳定的交流机制,在构建高等教育学术共同体方面发挥了积极作用。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

展望未来KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  学会已经走过了36年的光辉历程,实现了历史性跨越,在创新高等教育学术研究、服务高等教育改革发展、参与高等教育治理、探索新时代全国社团组织发展模式等方面发挥了积极作用,积累了宝贵的经验。新时代、新任务、新作为,学会将以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,特别是习近平总书记关于教育的重要论述为指引,努力成为国内一流的高等教育新型智库,成为推进高等教育改革发展的重要方面军,成为建设高等教育强国的重要力量。KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

Introduction to the China Association of Higher EducationKZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  China Association of Higher Education (CAHE) was founded on May 30th, 1983. As a national non-profit academic organization, CAHE is an alliance of voluntary social organizations, institutions and professionals that are engaged in or support higher education.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  Currently Mr. Du Yubo,the former Vice Minister and Deputy Secretary of CPC Leading Group of the Ministry of Education,is the seventh president of CAHE.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  Prior to Mr. Du, Mr. Jiang Nanxiang, the former Minister of the Ministry of Education, served as first and second president; Mr. He Dongchang, the former Deputy Director and Secretary of CPC Leading Group of the State Education Commission, the third; Mr. Zhou Yuanqing, the former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Education, the fourth and the fifth, and Mr. Qu Zhenyuan, the former Party Secretary of China Agricultural University, the sixth.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  CAHE is the largest, oldest and the most influential national academic organization of higher education. By now, CAHE consists of 66 branches and 450 higher education institutional members with their own members, forming a platform covering a wide range of disciplines and management areas by connecting Chinese universities. CAHE performs the following functions in accordance to the CAHE Charter: theoretical research, academic communications, professional training, demonstrations and exhibitions, international co-operations, consultations, books and journals editing and industry monitoring etc.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

Strategic Conception of DevelopmentKZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  Principle: CAHE is built for academic research, prospered through service, operated on standards and strengthened by innovation.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  Idea of Development: promote the political awareness and ensure the development direction; identify our duties and service orientation; advance our work to a higher level and grasp the direction of our work.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  Core Task: serve for the reform and development of higher education, for the macro decision of government, for the administration of higher education institutions and for the theoretical exploration of higher education.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  Business Layout :adhere to political guidance; strengthen the Thinktank building; enhance the two brand activities and one journal; standardize the construction of branches; undertake some functions transferred from government; conduct and deepen exchanges and cooperation.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  Working Concepts: build think tanks and provide better services; create brand and improve quality; set up rules and reinforce management; seek cooperation and enlarge influence.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  Research Principles: apply “new thinking” and focus on “real issues”; explore “new models” and conduct “real researches”; expand “new realm” and promote “real innovation”; make “new contribution” and ensure “real effects”.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  Basic Experience: uphold a high-level political stance; insist on a great vision; plan for a long term; strive for new achievements; set a higher bar for officials.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  Goals: build up a modern academic higher education organization with international influence and Chinese characteristics.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

New-type Think Tank of Higher EducationKZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  CAHE endeavors to build a new-type thinktank of higher education by focusing on the central task, serving the overall interests of the country, remaining problem-oriented, and centering on the major researches. We gather together the national strength to conduct significant developmental research projects and produce the high-quality research results. Therefore, CAHE has offered advice for government policies, higher education institution management, higher education reform and development and international exchanges and communications, leading to an important higher education research base.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

Annual Conference for International Forum on Higher EducationKZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  To expand the opening up of education, serve the "Belt and Road" initiative and enhance the communication and cooperation with world-class universities, CAHE hosts an Annual Conference for International Forum on Higher Education. Since 2000, the forum has been successfully held for 19 years, attracting experts and scholars from the United States, Germany, UK, France, Finland, Russia, Japan, Vietnam, Pakistan, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Georgia, OECD and other countries (regions) as well as international organizations. The forum conducts in-depth discussion on the significant national and world-wide issues of higher education and has become an international academic summit and brand activity in the field.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

Higher Education Expo ChinaKZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  To promote the deep integration of “government, industry, education, research and application”, advance the reform of teaching and learning in universities, exhibit advanced education research equipment and assist connotative development of higher education, CAHE has held a variety of demonstrations and exhibitions since 1992, with the autumn Expo in 2018 attracting over 25,000 teachers, students and experts from more than 1,120 universities and 1,000 enterprises. The Expo has become a leading high-quality, comprehensive and professional service platform in Asia. Higher Education Expo China has become an important window to show the achievements of China's higher education development, an important bridge for the government, universities and enterprises to make collaborative innovation and seek common development, and a national card to accelerate the modernization of higher education.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

China Higher Education ResearchKZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  The journal, China Higher Education Research, edited by CAHE, is playing an important role in publicizing and implementing the educational policies, promoting the studies on world-class modern higher education with Chinese characteristics, communicating and publicizing the theory and practice innovation of higher education and encouraging exchange of ideas in higher education researches. The journal is enlisted as the source journal of “Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index” (CSSCI), the Level-A core journal of AMI comprehensive valuation of Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Journals, the core journal of “Chinese Journals”, and the economic-beneficial journal of “China Journal Matrix” etc. It is also widely recognized as one of the most authoritative journals in higher education research in China and ranks among the best in the domestic journal evaluation system.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

China Higher Education Training CenterKZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  China Higher Education Training Center is committed to the mission of talents training, improving the quality of education and serving the reform and innovation of education. It integrates high-quality education resources both at home and abroad. The center provides high-quality and high-level training of education theories, education policies, teaching methods and professional skills to managerial staff and core teachers. Allied with domestic first-class universities, CAHE strives to build the center into a significant platform to serve China's higher education reform and development, share the experiences of administration of universities and talent training, and serve the cultivation of teachers and cadres.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

International Cooperation and ExchangesKZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  The new council of the CAHE attaches great importance to international academic cooperation and communication. In recent years, CAHE has carried out a series of successful academic activities, including "Serving the ‘the Belt and Road’ Initiative", "Constructing the Exchange Mechanism for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Universities Consortium", "Education Forum for Asia" and regularly sending academic delegations to visit our counterparts. These activities have enhanced humanities exchanges, expanded cooperation and promoted the sharing of academic achievements. CAHE has built up steady communication mechanism with the academic organizations from United States, UK, Canada, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and other countries. CAHE has made great contribution to building shared academic community of higher education.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

Look AheadKZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

  Over the past 36 years, CAHE has made historic progress and impressive devotion to the academic research, the reforms, development and administration of higher education in China. We have also made contribution to exploring the new development models of national community organizations in the New Era and accumulated valuable experiences. We are ready for our new missions in the new era and expecting further achievements. Guided by Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, especially by Xi Jinping’s the important discussion on education. CAHE will be devoted to building domestic first-class higher education new-type think tanks, constructing an academic community with international influence, helping to facilitate the reform and development of higher education, and the country’s governance in higher education as well.KZH分类目录_专业网站分类目录大全推广网站 - 老站网

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